*BBLOGGY blog bLOG blOGGG blog BLOG!!*

Monday, June 21, 2010


Back from Edna! The picnic was alot of fun. I got some great pictures and a really nice sunburn! ha... now I need to get cracking on the slideshow and getting the 500 + pictures edited. FUN FUN FUN

Thursday, June 17, 2010

photo photo photo

I am in Edna this weekend doing a photo job for a company picnic. It's my 4th year getting to do this job. It's a lot of work and it's a really long day but it is always tons of fun! Looks like it's going to be really hot tomorrow so lots of sunblock it is!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


These are some shirts that a made for a daycare staff.

Princess Room

This is a little girls room that I painted a while back. It was a princess/ fairytale theme. It had a castle and a horse and carriage! All the things that a little girl needs!


The castle

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


   I took a Fabrics class this last semester. I suprised myself and enjoyed it quite a bit. I thought it would be alot of old lady like quilting and stitching, but we got to dye all of our own fabrics and play around with textures and colors which I really enjoyed. These are two of the pieces that I created in that class. I dyed all the fabrics myself and did all of the stitch work by hand.

Monday, June 14, 2010

First Blog EVER!

well, here goes..

My first blog ever, I feel like I should have something profound to say but in truth I don't.

so.. here's something fun I found for today: