*BBLOGGY blog bLOG blOGGG blog BLOG!!*

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Taking pictures is like panning for gold. You do it again and again, and sometimes you find a nugget.
— Raghubir Singh

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Paint Brush Roll Ups

Here are some of my Paint Brush Holders.
Check them out on Etsy.


Friday, August 6, 2010

-I'm not doing a very good job at this whole blog thing. I wanted it to be an ongoing thing but it seems I am already failing at that. I have however, been trying a new thing. For the past couple of weeks I have been trying my best to get at least one artsy project done a day. Whether that is something small like a watercolor or an illustration or something done for my etsy page.. So far so good, I've created something new almost every day and its been really good for my creativity. Which was kind of the whole point of the exercise. Kind of a mental-art workout I guess. I have this idea that the more that I am generating and actively working on being creative the more creative ill be because my "creative juices" if you will, are already flowing!. So, that's been the plan, its working, and I think that I am going to keep moving forward with it. I will try to start posting stuff that I am making. Maybe it will help keep me accountable. :)