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Monday, October 25, 2010

Dietrich Wegner

Every society accumulates contradictions amidst their ideals. Dietrich Wegner employs those contradictions, situating opposites together in sculpture and photography that feed on the friction between two conflicting ideas. When an image stands in limbo, between associations, it occupies a flexible place in our mind. Wegner creates images that are safe and unsettling, abject and beautiful. Some of his work shows us how a mushroom cloud can resemble a tree house,  a suicide bomber a vulnerable human being, all in an effort to explore our varied states of contentment and security. In other works, such as in Cumulous Brand, babies are covered in multicolored tattoos in a meditation on how our identities evolve and how we declare them.

Branded Babies


Ai Weiwei’s unique art exhibit consists of one hundred million realistic looking sunflower seeds made out of porcelain.
Each seed was hand painted by an army of 1,600 Chinese artisans and scattered all over the floor of the Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall in London.

Ai Weiwei: Sunflower seeds

more crazy nails

I actually found more of these crazy nails..
what are the odds
I actually like these ones..the other ones just creep me out.
check out this website with 14 different nail designs.
It's pretty weird

Hafsteinn Juliusson

Hafsteinn Juliusson is an Industrial/Interior designer from Reykjavik, Iceland living and working in Milano, Italy.
I found his work a about a year ago and I love to check up on his website from time to time and see what he is up to. This is probably the coolest thing that I think he has done.

The rings are actually for sale now, starting at 150 Euro
And he has created a necklace design as well.

"It is important to take care of the Growing

Jewelry. For best results water it only once

every 5 weeks and be careful not to water

to much. It’s also good to store the ring in

deep freeze to preserve it. The moss can

stay green for up to 8 - 12 months but

Hafsteinn Juliusson takes no

responsability of that."

"This collection is a handmade production

made in Iceland and are all pieces made

out of silver. Other sizes are made by
special request."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Back from Los Angeles! I had a blast and got to see some amazing art work! It was a great trip all around. The weather was not the best, mostly cloudy with some rain..but I was in museums most of the day anyways. Went to High Voltage- LA Ink  and Hollywood blvd. and our hotel was on Sunset blvd cross from the House of Blues Comedy Club!
Something that I like to do on vaca is take pictures of all the wonderful food that I get to eat.. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


haha why do people do this..

Jessica Atkinson

Awesome glasses project!!


Going to Los Angeles today!
Some of the museums I will see...
Weisman Collection
Pasadena Museum of California Art

On a side note. A beautiful image from an LA artist Ed Ruscha

Monday, October 11, 2010

Polugrafias : Alexandre Orion

Brazilian reverse grafiti artist. His newest work POLUGRAFIES are about pollution in urban landscapes. He uses the car pollution/ soot from trucks to create the image from hand made stencils. He produces 4 images to save only one. If it rains while the image is being produced the work is gone and if the car pumps too much the image is also ruined.

This is definately an ONLY CHILD situation..


Xing Danwen

     I did a report today over an artist that I recently became aquainted with XING DANWEN. She is a Beijing artist who works with photography. Her images are compelling and beautiful to say the least.
Most of her work deals with the profound sense of dislocation felt in China. Especially concerning its history of political shifts.

From her series DUPLICATION. For Xing they are a“comment on the dehumanizing effect of tailoring to preconceived social roles.” 

URBAN FICTION series is Xing’s most famous group of work.  She photographs models made to promote real-estate developments in China. Often times they are mock ups of buildings that will be realities in the near future.  The domestic scenes which are often played by Xing herself “suggest that foibles of the human heart cannot be fundamentally altered by China’s recent housing frenzy.” 

Friday, October 8, 2010


I just found a new artist to b obsessed with!!
He is an artist who lives and works in Paris, France. He is mostly known for his murals. They are drawing and paintings. But, he also makes videos, has books, and fun clothing with his designs. I'm pretty much just impressed! Plus his work is really fun and interesting. I admire an artist that does so much.


I'm working on a project for school. I made some pinhole cameras and I am working with colored film at night. I wanted to do long exposures and play with lights. It has been frustrating and rewarding at times..
Here are a few of the ones that I like so far that I am still working on..