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Monday, October 11, 2010

Xing Danwen

     I did a report today over an artist that I recently became aquainted with XING DANWEN. She is a Beijing artist who works with photography. Her images are compelling and beautiful to say the least.
Most of her work deals with the profound sense of dislocation felt in China. Especially concerning its history of political shifts.

From her series DUPLICATION. For Xing they are a“comment on the dehumanizing effect of tailoring to preconceived social roles.” 

URBAN FICTION series is Xing’s most famous group of work.  She photographs models made to promote real-estate developments in China. Often times they are mock ups of buildings that will be realities in the near future.  The domestic scenes which are often played by Xing herself “suggest that foibles of the human heart cannot be fundamentally altered by China’s recent housing frenzy.”